Music Playlist

Saturday 10 May 2014

How to start a movement

After watching Derek Siver explaining how to start a movement,it got to me that to start a movement, there has to be a leader and followers. Who can be the leader? Anyone. As long as you take the initiative, you can be the leader. I feel that to be a successful leader, one has to take the initiative, and motivate the rest, and this is how followers come by. Being followers, I think they should follow after the leader but of course as what was mentioned in the video, the leader has to be fair and equal. Afterall, who likes an unfair person? In my opinion, followers are not only followers. They are leaders too. For example, the first follower in the video is crucial, for he has to follow the leader, and also be a leader himself, to get other people to join him. Once the second follower appeared in the video, he has shown that followers are also a leader, as he gets his friends to join him, and the video focuses on him, instead of the first leader. That is why, I feel that followers also have the role of a leader. To me, to start a movement, is to be a leader yourself and lead the others.

-Bei Xuan (8)

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