Music Playlist

Sunday 12 January 2014

A Starving Child :(

A few days ago, our teacher showed us this photo. The first word that came to us was cruel. This poor child was starving and was trying her very best to get to the food camp. However, the photographer didn't help her to get to the food camp, because he was told not to touch her due to the risk of  transmitted disease. I feel that this is understandable, but the photographer could have spared her some food :( Even if it's a small piece of bread, I'm sure it would be able to give this child hope to survive and get to the food camp. All he did was chasing the vulture away after taking this photo. Out of a thousand words that describes this picture, we choose to use 'cruel' to emphasise on the photographers actions towards the child.

My holidays

My holidays weren't very interesting at all.The breathtaking sceneries and exhilirating rides were not present in this holiday.All I did was mostly watching YouTube vids and homework.this holiday I was a loner lazing at home except for times when I went to play basketball or when my mum brought me out.This holiday,I went to my grandpa's place for a whole month,and that is about all the highlights of my holiday
-Jordan (25)

Holiday Reflection

My holidays, to be honest we're not as fulfilling as I planned it to be... I as per always told myself to complete chores which I have always found excuses to not do usually, but still failed to complete 😱 For the holiday, I was only slightly productive during the first week, managing to get my homework done and a little little bit of chores. 
I'm still feeling incredible guilty for allowing myself to procrastinate so much, but all in all, it was a very satisfying holiday 😊

-Ong Gee Hun (14)

Holiday :)

The December holiday was pretty awesome as I get to take a long break after months of school, and get to travel oversea with family. On the first week of December, I went to Thailand for a 5day4night trip with my family and relatives. This was my second time going to Thailand but I'm still extremely excited for the trip. The most memorable part of the trip was riding on the elephant at the floating market. Riding on an elephant isn't as easy as it seemed. The seats on the elephant was swinging from side to side vigorously and I was afraid of falling of,and when the elephant steps into the river, the dirty water splashed onto my shorts. That place had an unpleasant smell of the poop of the elephant as many tourist bought banana to feed those elephant. However, it was still a fun experience.
The rest of the holiday was spent doing homework, going out with friends and playing games at home. I went out with my cca mate to play basketball. This not only allows us to be more bonded, but also improve our basketball skill and teamwork. I also played computer games with classmate, chatting through Skype, which made our relationship better and of course, made this holiday relaxing and fun. 



The december holidays was the time to go travelling and have fun for everyone. To me, it was just a boring 2 months. I had to stay in Malaysia with my grandparents for 2 weeks as my sister was on a school trip to China and I could not cook for myself :/ Homework and market was the only thing that revolved around my world during the stay. Who could help tolerating this? Being an active child I kept complaining, and without knowing it, 2 weeks was long gone and I'm back in Singapore, anticipating my primary school gathering. :D However, the gathering was a bit disappointing since some of us made an effort to organise and the rest were all busy with school activities. :(( But a small group of us managed to meet up. Even though we only played basketball, it was extremely fun. All of us didn't even want to go home! :b 
Although my holidays were accompanied mostly by homework, the want for a gathering by my fellow primary classmates really touched me, because it shows that we have strong bonds that will not break us apart even when we are all in different secondary schools! ((; Here's a group picture of our meet up!
-Bei Xuan (8)