Music Playlist

Saturday 28 June 2014

Day 3

Day 3

Today is definitely one of the most awful day. We first went to the museum. It a pretty big museum with thousand of valuable bronze stuff left from the past. The museum wasn't that interesting to me so there isn't much to talk about.

After the museum, we went to the China Intangible Cultural Heritage Park. It was a outdoor park featuring the life of people in the past, like their houses and their form of entertainment. I saw many different stone wall with unique design/picture on it. Many of them were the picture of sun wukong. We then reach a stadium-like place. There were many animals there, chickens, horse, dogs etc. I didn't know why they were there until the show start. The first show was the chicken fight. Chickens were let out free and left there to fight until the time run out. Blood were everywhere on them but yet they still must fight to protect themselves. It was so cruel but it was the first time I watch such things so I was surprised instead. It wasn't until some of my classmate walk away feeling angry, or sad maybe, that I realize it was so cruel. However it does stop here, after visiting more places in the park, we came to our last stop, which was a circus. It wasn't any normal modern circus, it was a traditional real circus. At first, it look cool, the performers were doing awesome tricks and we were all enjoying the show. Then they brought out lions, real lions. They ordered them around, making them to do different actions.They roar when they refuse to, but still did it in the end. After awhile, the lions started to not obey them, and simply just sat there not doing anything despite several orders from the performer. Then they use the long wooden stick and hit them, hard. They literally hit it so hard. I was too shocked to do anything and I didn't want to continue watching it so I just went chatting with my classmates. It was really saddening to see this kind of animal abuse. We left halfway through the show. The class was very depressed after the circus show. Some were even so mad at it and I felt that their reaction were really too...... overboard. 

From this trip, I've learnt a lot. This is the first time I've seen animal being abused so badly, I didn't know animal abuse still exists. Imagine them being hit everyday, and forced to do things they don't want. Also I learnt that we should really control our emotion sometimes as it doesn't always happens that everyone will give in to you when you're angry/mad/sad.


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