Music Playlist

Saturday 15 February 2014

Chinese New Year

I feel that green represents Chinese New Year to me. To me, green stands for stress, as my family is always busy decorating and cleaning our house for the new year until our face turns green :( It's stressful as I don't get any time to relax and I always get scolded for my messy room ><
The horse is one of the twelve zodiac signs of Chinese. This year, the horse is the representative for the year and hence this animal can be seen anywhere.
The pineapple tarts is my favourite food for the new year! The sweet fillings and it's aroma in my mouth is just simply fabulous. This year, my aunt is going to make pineapple tarts for us so I'm looking forward to the new year :D
-Bei Xuan

Thursday 13 February 2014

What I've learnt

Through these weeks, I have learnt a lot of things. However, the one thing that I remember the clearest was the lesson on the man and woman asking for money. We were told to observe this man and woman. The man was homeless and his wallet was gone, his money, his clothes etc. The woman had a baby and was asking for money from people. Then, Mr Wong asked us to choose one of them, who we would give money to if we had $100. Without hesitation, I decided to give the woman as I thought that the man could look for work as he seemed healthy. However, for the woman, she had to look after the child and could not work. To my surprise, the woman was actually a conman! The baby wasn't hers and she came from and organisation that asked tourists for momey and divided the money among the members. From this simple observe-and-choose lesson, I learnt that we should not judge a book by its cover. We ought to get the facts right before jumping to conclusions.
-Bei Xuan

Sunday 9 February 2014


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Hate someone? Grab a hand!
Lazy to reach something? Grab a hand!
Promoting the BBCQ product, a third hand for you. Just three simple steps. Hold it, press it, get it!
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Chingay 2014

Saturday 8 February 2014

Personal Reflections For Lessons 1-3

I have learnt to always view things with a different perspective. Let my imaginations and creativity run wild, thinking out of the box. Don't just judge and assume just by looking at the surface of something. During lesson, Mr Wong showed us two scenarios- A woman carrying a baby, begging for money, and a homeless healthy man asking people on the streets for help to get him back on his feet. Mr Wong then asked the whole class- If we were each given $100 and can only give one of them the money, who would we give. Without thinking twice, i knew that i would give the woman with a baby. After collating all our answers, Mr Wong told us the truth of both scenarios- the woman carrying the baby was part of an association. The baby wasn't hers. The baby was just to make everyone pity her and give some money to her. She would then pass the money to the association. As for the man, he was really in need of help. He can't find a job. So maybe by giving him the$100, he can buy some new clothes for a job interview and start a new life. From this I learnt to never judge a book by its cover. Always find out the truth before jumping into conclusions. -Charmaine Soh(4)

Friday 7 February 2014

Color, Symbol and Image

The color i have selected is blue. For Chinese New Year, everyone one in my family are stressed out out over the preparation for it, like what to eat, what to do on the say itself and what relatives are we visiting.

The symbol is of a horse. Reason being that this is the symbol I am seeing most often, be it from the new year decorations or from the well wishes from relatives and friends.

The image I have chosen is that of drinks. Every Chinese New Year, what leaves me with the deepest impression has always been the food and drinks. From the traditional new year goodies to the meals filled with love made by my families, they are always hard to forget.

-Ong Gee Hun (14)

Personal Reflection for Lessons 1-3

I have learnt the importance of observation, to gather thoughts and meaning from what seen. Particularly how one needs to look beyond just what is on the meer surface. For me, I still require practice using the 'thought, think, wonder' thinking routine when reflecting and analyzing things, not, be it the meaning to myself or to others. Also, I have realized how communication is just as critical as observation. What use is understanding when we can't communicate our ideas, emotions and experiences when needed to do so? We need to capture the audiences' attention, to be able to organize what said in order for it to be effective. In order to make a persuasive and effective point.
- Ong Gee Hun