Music Playlist

Sunday 20 July 2014

Trip Advisor for Anhui, China

Rayfront Hotel
Dark, creepy, there was a stench

San He Gu Zheng
Roads are confusing, quite interesting

Holiday Inn Express
Fast wifi, but not enough variety for breakfast, clean, quiet :D

Hefei 45 Middle School
Toilets has a stench and classrooms were cramp

Anhui Museum
Cool stuffs, a lot of historic items compared to Singapore

Heritage Park
Cruelty for animals, playground was fun :D

Too many insects, but the scenery was beautiful and breathtaking

Bei Hai Hotel
Considerate of them to provide winter clothes, walls are thin (no privacy)

Jin Ling Hotel
Convenient, spacious, best hotel breakfast

Hong Cun
Pig heads are unsightly, smelly

Pig heads are also seen everywhere, unappetising

She Xian
More things to see than before, much cleaner

Big Mansion

Tunxi Ancient Street
Many interesting items such as a fan specially created for you (hardly seen in Singapore)

Friday 4 July 2014

OELP--Anhui 💕😌

San he gu zheng
Through today's trip, I have really learnt a lot of things on China's history. Visiting the former residence of famous people like Yang Chen Ning, Sun Li Ren, gave me more idea on the lives of people in China were like in the past. I got to know more on these people as their story was told by the photos in the houses. The people there lead simple and peaceful lifestyles. They were all working hard by themselves. This is in contradiction with Singapore, where everyoneHowever, I did not enjoy it as much as I thought I would. I feel that even though we are here to learn, which I agree, we should still be given chances to take pictures. Afterall, we paid for all these. We were told that we will be given time to take pictures. But I don't think that we were given any. We listened to the tour guide, and we had to take pictures while she was talking, as there was no time for us to take pictures after she ended. We always left the place immediately and we would need to follow up quickly. Where is the time given? When we wanted to take pictures with our friends and group(There's a mission), we are asked to stop taking pictures and keep moving. Yes i agree that listening to the tour guide is important, but at the same time, we all want to enjoy this trip, we want to capture photos with our friends, to capture these moments. But the fact that we were not given much chances to take photos really disappointed me and killed the joy. I hope that in the upcoming days, we will be given some spare time to take photos, instead of rushing for everything.

Exchange programme at Hefei 45 Middle School
It was unexpected that the school would appear in the middle of a row of shops. I was really shocked and couldn't believe it because it was too random. But after that I found out that it's in the middle because of the idea that if it was in the middle, everyone in that area will be able to go to school. The class experience was really great. I feel that the students there was kind of different from RV. For example, they gave you the feeling that they have the strong urge and want to learn. When asked a question, they all respond to the teacher (unlike our class). They take the initiative and read their texts' proudly. If it was us, we wouldn't read it ALOUD like them. They all listen attentively in class and i think that they do revisions by themselves everyday even before the teacher teaches them about the topic. They knew all the answers to the teacher's question to them and they were all perfect answers. Hence, i really admire their passion to learn. The school was small as compared to RV, the classrooms were really tiny, squeezing in 60 students. The room was stuffy, with the stench from the toilet floating in the atmosphere. The tables were small, the chairs were old. But the students looked like they enjoyed themselves very much and did not complain about anything. In fact, they were really happy, they kept laughing. I think it is one aspect that we should learn from them.
Museum and China Intangible Cultural Heritage Park
The museum was not as boring as I thought it would be. As compared to Singapore, the Anhui museum was far more interesting than Singapore's probably because of its long history. In Singapore, all you can see is pictures that tells you about the story of Singapore. But in the Anhui Museum, it is different. I was really attracted by the 'real thing' that was being showcased. With all these 'real things' i feel that it is a lot more cooler and attractive than simply words. These showcased items told us more about China, more than what we can know from simply books.
At the heritage park, I didn't learn anything much, except for the kind sides of my classmates. The circus that we watched, which was the first for me, left a huge impression on my mind. Initially, I was excited for the circus, since it was my first. During the show, I couldn't help but make sound effects._. Even though the 'assaults' on the animal conflicted small amount of pain on the animals(they have thick skin and bones don't they?) we couldn't help but treat it as a pain that was unbearable. A few of our classmates cried bitterly after witnessing animal abuse, and my mood was sour. That night, the teachers apologised to us. I hope to say this to the teachers: Teachers, you need not apologise to us. We understand that this is not yor fault, for it was unknown to you too, that we would witness such a scene. I feel that you are not to be blamed, as you also feel the same way as we do, after witnessing such a show. At this moment, you are also a student like us, experiencing the same pain as us. Therefore, I hope that you will not blame yourself for this matter that had happened (:
Even though a lot of things has happened today, I managed to see the kind side of everyone in our class despite their 'mean' teasing in the usual days. To see the true character of our friends is something invaluable that I had seen today.
The view from Huangshan was magnificent, but it was cold. There were many flights of stairs that never seems to end. The uphill journey was tough and long, but the sweat and cries were definitely worth it. Many of us sang songs and encourage one another when climbing. Through this, I feel that we have bonded together a little more. If it was the past us, we wouldn't have bothered. To be honest, without the encouragement, I would take a really long time to climb up the mountain. Also, some of us said 辛苦了 to the people who were carrying things that we need up and down the hill. It was heartening to see our classmates being appreciative of these workers' hard work and sacrifice. After looking at these workers, I felt really blessed that I do not have to do this kind of tough labour, and at the same time admired these people. Carrying just a tiny bag, we were complaining about how tough and tiring it was. But what about these workers? They carried items on their shoulders that can be as heavy as 100kg, so as to meet our demands. Therefore I really respect them. At Huangshan, I felt as if i wasn't afraid of anything anymore. When I was young, I was afraid of heights, even at a height of 15-storey. However, up in Huangshan which was higher than 15-storey, I was no longer afraid. Even without any barrier by the sides, I dared to walk. Maybe the reason was because my friends were there with me, or I have grown up. I used to find monkeys fierce and scary, but at Huangshan, I didn't find them scary and walked quite close to it. At that time, I wondered if I was insane, going close to a monkey. But it didn't matter at that time. I found comfort and courage being together with my friends. Is this what it means to be bonded?(: However, I never managed to conquer my fear of insects. Honestly, I found it embarrassing screaming in public, attracting all eyes on the mountain on me. >< I even cried! Even though the experience of interacting with these insects were terrible, I am glad as I got to see a different side of my friends-- Zhan Ting, Nigel, Bao Bin, Serena, Boya, Sin Yee, Raphaela,  Jia Rong, Mei Ling, Ivan and Carissa. They really comforted me and helped me a lot throughout the whole OELP trip (not only in Huangshan). Today, I'm extremely glad to have these friends by my side.
Huangshan and Hongcun
A visit to villages in China was interesting, but not very productive. All the houses were similar, with the "天井" in every house. The thing that left a deep impression within me were the pig trotters and pig heads hung outside the houses of almost every household. It seems that these dried products were to be sold and drying it under the sun helps to prevent it from spoiling fast. I think that it's one of their current tradition. However, to a tourist like me, especially vegeterians, it's unsightly. Everytime I saw a pig, I would block my own view and walk past it quickly. Although it's their way of life of using natural things such as sunlight to make a living, I think that they should practice more hygienic ways of doing such a thing, in case any tourists or passers-by touch it with dirty hands.
Xidi, Big Mansion, Chinese Cultural Talk
THE BIG MANSION IS COOL!!! It would be great if I could live in it :D However, I feel that the guide was not detailed, as we were told only: this is the _____ room. (Who who who) would work here.
I do hope that a more detailed explanation could be given to us. At night, the cultural talk was informative,but was kind of uninteresting.  I am the kind of person who has to sleep early, and after several nights of sleeping late, my energy was drained completely. A night class was a nightmare to me, for I was battling with my heavy eyelids, struggling to keep my eyes and ears open. I hope that in the future we can be spared from night classes :/ Later on, the circle time made me think about what I did to my classmates on usual days and that kept me thinking on my bed before i slept. It also helped me reflect upon my experience the few days before. I hope to have more circle time in the future (:
We got to shop for souvenirs, which was what we all wanted on the first day. However, it did not particularly made me happy as it reminded me that we would be leaving Anhui, back to Singapore. It was really sad to know that a week has passed by us so quickly without us knowing. I thought about what I had learnt for the past 6 days and realised that it was not only about Anhui that I have learnt, but also the people around me. I wished that time would rewind back to Day 1 and I can revisit the places which has now become a memory. Part of the trip, I wasn't learning but now I really wished I had paid more attention and learnt more :( This day made me think a lot and learnt about my actions in the past 6 days. To others, day 3 may be the saddest day, but to me, today was the saddest day. Goodbye Anhui :(((

-Bei Xuan (8)
(PS) Sorry Mr Wong, I saved my post as a draft, hence the delay. Sorry!><

Sunday 29 June 2014

5 Things I love about RV

1) The equipment we have, such as the gym and the library (which we do have access to).
2) The toilets which are fairly clean.
3) Our classrooms which are much larger in comparison.
4) The canteen and hostel cafe.
5) The staircases which are fairly safe, at least with no one playing ball games there.

-Ong Gee Hun (14)

Day 2 26/05

26/05 Day 2 45 合肥高中
Today, we went to 45 合肥高中 for lessons. We reached there at 9am and left the school for a tour of our buddy's house at 5.30pm. How the lessons were conducted were drastically different from how they were held in Singapore. Each lesson lasted for 40 mins and had a 10 mins break in between lessons. There were a set number of lessons each day, which was 4 in the morning until 12 noon and another 4 in the afternoon after a long break from 12 noon to 2.30pm for lunch. Surprisingly, there was no canteen or such in the school, so all the students without fail went home for lunch. They have no other choice. In my opinion, the system in china of having a short break in between lessons is what I would like to have in school as well. Even of that means that we might be released later at the end of the day. Having such a break would give the students enough time to consolidate what exactly was taught in the previous lesson and sufficiently prepare themselves for the next. They would also be able  to leave their seats and rejuvenate themselves. Unlike in Singapore, with the lessons one after another, at times even 5 hours without a single break, I often find myself tired and restless. Like a worn-out battery, one would not be able to concentrate fully, even if one wants and needs to do so.  Another significant difference between the system in schools would be a time for eye exercises in between lessons. Such an exercise, with the soundtrack broadcasted through the PA system, does not take much time. However, I believe that it does have benefit the students' physical well being in the long term. Something I observed would be that the number of bespectacled students are in the minority. Which is clearly the opposite for the students in our class.

-Ong Gee Hun (14)

Day 1 25/05

25/05 Day 1 三合古镇
Today, l learnt valuable things about China's culture. In my opinion, the Citizens if China puts a great deal of pride in their heritage. Especially so, as compared to Singapore. Families are willing to live in old traditional houses. Which are ancient and might not have the facilities they may need in daily life. Instead of moving to a new, better one. The sole reason being that their ancestors have been living in that house for up to hundreds of years. How many people in Singapore really remember their roots? How many people are really aware of the struggles their ancestors went through? In addition, the extend at which the facilities were preserved amazed. From the traditional shops, to the ancient bridges. All of them reflect the rich history of each and every place. Moreover, with the people who were born and raised here, there are countless legends of certain places and the meaning behind certain names. For example, a traditional bridge being named 三线桥 due to it connecting 3 provinces.  Perhaps there is deep meaning behind the names of certain roads in Singapore. However, is this widely known among the people, especially the younger generation? I guess not. One would not be aware unless sufficient research was done. Such knowledge about one's roots would not known to everyone in Singapore like that on China, Anhui.

-Ong Gee Hun (14)

Saturday 28 June 2014

Day 7

Day 7
Yay we finally got to shop in china but it was a old street(老街). But at least we got to have free time shopping. So the first shop we went to was a shop selling some traditional biscuit and tea leaves. I bought a packet of the biscuit as it tasted really good. Then we went on walking down the street and bought even more food. Then we reached a shop selling fan.  It wasn't any ordinary fan with random pictures on it. We get to write something about us, e.g our name, then the guy will make a poem out of it and write in on the fan. It was really cool and I bought a couple of it. 

Actually there wasn't much to see and buy in the street as every store sells similar things, especially the food, even the price were all the same. So 30min of free time was enough for us to finish shopping and we went onto the bus and took a few hours of bus ride back to the airport. 

That was how our trip in china ended. I've learnt quite a lot about china in this trip and also got to bond as a class. Of course there's conflicts here and there and friendship were ruined in this trip. But I'm sure there's much more we gained from this trip. I felt that the trip was a really fun one even though there were bad times, like the circus, but looking on the bright side, I definitely learnt a real lot from the trip.

-yida :D

Day 6

Day 6

Today we went to some village which also show the life of past people. To be honest I found it kind of boring as we had been to similar place like this for the past few day, like 宏村. 

But something different today was we got to have a lecture. The lecturer was from a hefei university, and he gave us a talk on hefei. He pretty much summed up the whole of our journey these few days. He also went further telling us the life of china and things we didn't get to learn during the trip last few day. The thing is that it was a night lecturer at 9+ and I was abit tired so I couldn't really focus then. Nevertheless, I did learn something from the lecturer.

After the lecture left, the teacher decided that we should have a circle time since it was the last night in china. In the circle time, many of us talk about the trip; what we enjoyed, what we gained etc. it was kind of awkward actually but I didn't really care because I was falling asleep. Then we just went back to our room and I finally get to sleep in peace. 

-yida :)

Day 5

Day 5

We woke up super early at like 5am today to go and watch the sunrise. The tour guide say it's only a 50% chance to see sunrise in this season. Luckily, we got to see it! It was really beautiful, just imagine seeing the sun rise from the angle of a tall mountain. It was really a unforgettable experience. 

We then pack our stuff and left huang Shan. We took the cable car again down the mountain. This time I wasn't that scared as compared to yesterday. I managed to see the awesome scenery when taking the cable car.

After we left huang Shan, we went to a village called 宏村. It was just another village which the people in the past used to live in. We once again learn their lifestyle and nothing much.

Lastly we returned to our hotel and as usual, did our reflection. It was a boring day and I only enjoyed the sunrise and nothing else :(

-yida :)

Day 4

Day 4

Today we went to 黄山. It's a very tall mountain with beautiful scenery. We took the bus and went up the mountain halfway. We stopped halfway to take the cable car. Taking the cable car is a very exciting, and also scary experience for me. In the cable car, we can see very awesome scenery which we don't get to see in our daily life in singapore.  But Why scary? Well, it's because I have height phobia. I've always avoided cable car, and other things like roller coaster, as I was afraid of the height. However, today I finally took the first step to take the cable car. At the very start, I was scared, I didn't dared to look outside at the scenery. However, after the encouragement from the teachers, I tried to peek outside the window, and it was actually really beautiful. I couldn't help but to keep seeing it, and my phobia for height was gone naturally. 

After that we went to climb to the peak of the mountain and we enjoyed the scenery from there. Sad thing is there's lots of weird and disgusting bugs there so I was bothered by it the whole time.

It was a really great day as I learned that phobia is just an imaginary fear, which can be conquered easily as long as we think of it in another way.

-yida :D

Day 3

Day 3

Today is definitely one of the most awful day. We first went to the museum. It a pretty big museum with thousand of valuable bronze stuff left from the past. The museum wasn't that interesting to me so there isn't much to talk about.

After the museum, we went to the China Intangible Cultural Heritage Park. It was a outdoor park featuring the life of people in the past, like their houses and their form of entertainment. I saw many different stone wall with unique design/picture on it. Many of them were the picture of sun wukong. We then reach a stadium-like place. There were many animals there, chickens, horse, dogs etc. I didn't know why they were there until the show start. The first show was the chicken fight. Chickens were let out free and left there to fight until the time run out. Blood were everywhere on them but yet they still must fight to protect themselves. It was so cruel but it was the first time I watch such things so I was surprised instead. It wasn't until some of my classmate walk away feeling angry, or sad maybe, that I realize it was so cruel. However it does stop here, after visiting more places in the park, we came to our last stop, which was a circus. It wasn't any normal modern circus, it was a traditional real circus. At first, it look cool, the performers were doing awesome tricks and we were all enjoying the show. Then they brought out lions, real lions. They ordered them around, making them to do different actions.They roar when they refuse to, but still did it in the end. After awhile, the lions started to not obey them, and simply just sat there not doing anything despite several orders from the performer. Then they use the long wooden stick and hit them, hard. They literally hit it so hard. I was too shocked to do anything and I didn't want to continue watching it so I just went chatting with my classmates. It was really saddening to see this kind of animal abuse. We left halfway through the show. The class was very depressed after the circus show. Some were even so mad at it and I felt that their reaction were really too...... overboard. 

From this trip, I've learnt a lot. This is the first time I've seen animal being abused so badly, I didn't know animal abuse still exists. Imagine them being hit everyday, and forced to do things they don't want. Also I learnt that we should really control our emotion sometimes as it doesn't always happens that everyone will give in to you when you're angry/mad/sad.


Day 2

Day 2

So today we went to hefei 45中学, and I met my adorable buddy, lefan. He started introducing me to the school by taking me to a walk around the school. There's classroom, obviously, and a few activities room such as history room, economic room and English room. These room are used for special lesson to allow the students to learn better. The first thing I noticed in the school is their classroom. The classroom is as big as our classroom in rv. However, they have a total of 60+people at least in one class, while we only have half of theirs, 34. Their tables are also much smaller compared to ours in rv. This shocked me as it is unbelievable to have so much students in a small classroom, and yet they still can happily learn new things in class. Not only the classroom, but also the toilets, it gives out a super unpleasant smell and the cleanliness of it was not that good, but in rv, our toilet are clean. This lead me to a thought, we are much fortunate than the student in china. We have cleaners to clean the toilet for us, and a big and clean classroom to provide us with such a good environment to study. On the other side, these china students have to share a classroom with 60 other people, and they don't have anyone to help them to clean their toilets, thus leaving it dirty. So from this, I can learn that we are much more lucky than them, and we shouldn't take these things for granted, instead we should learn to cherish and appreciate them.

After the lessons are over, I went to my buddy's house. It was a really great experience as his house is different from us. He lived with his parents and grandmother in a apartment. The living room was just as big as the rooms, so it's like a house with several rooms. After staying in the house chatting awkwardly with family, my buddy decided to bring me back to the school to visit his cca room. His cca is robotic, so I just went there watching robots walking around randomly and he taught me how to create a robot program, which I totally don't understand. It was really a great experience going through the typical lifestyle of china student. 

5 things I like about rv:

1) the facilities of course. We have many different courts for specific sports and rooms like the history room, computer rooms and the auditorium.
2) cleanliness, especially the toilets as compared to those in hefei 45
3) canteen. So much delicious food
4) only one and unique RV spirit
5) classrooms. We have a spacious and clean classroom, and even a small project room behind, which I felt really useful for after-school discussion.

-yida :)

Day 1

Day 1

Today, we took the high speed rail to hefei. after alighting the train, an incident happened and it had affected my views of china. An old lady came to us and begged for money or food. All of us tried to ignore her but she was so desperate and kept begging us. Luckily, she backed off after several failed attempt. From this incident, I can learn that people often look for those who are helpless against them, example from this incident is that the old lady saw us as children, and thinks that it will be much easier to get money or food from us.

The tour guide then fetch us from the train station. On the way to the restaurant for lunch, the tour guide explained a lot about china, but sadly I couldn't quite get what she was talking about because she was speaking way too fast. When we are on the bus, the first thing I noticed was that the road was super noisy. People weds jaywalking and one thing I found annoying was that all the cars were honking. I didn't know why they did that but it was really bugging me. 
When we reach the restaurant, we started eating the real chinese food. There were a lot of dishes but to me, non of it tasted good. It was really disappointing as that was my first meal in china and yet it wasn't up to expectation.

After that, we went to 三河古镇. 三河古镇 includes 扬振宁旧居, 刘同兴隆庄, 鹤庐,仙古楼,古娱坊and 国碎楼. It was a really fun experience visiting these places as they have many posters and things used in the past. All the posters are about important people who has contributed to the country greatly. One of them is 孙一人. He has helped the country by defending the country from japan during the ww2.  

When we finished visiting these places we went for our dinner, it was much better compared to lunch. Lastly we went back to our hotel, did our reflection and lights off.
My first day in china wasn't that good, the food and environment was kind of bad, or maybe it's just me not used to china. but at least i get to learn a lot about china history.

-yida :)

Thursday 26 June 2014

Day 7
  Today was the best day among all the days in China as we got to shop! We woke up early and went to Tunxi Anxient Street. We went to a tea shop first and then got to shop freely for 40 minutes. Not much but more than enough.
 We then took the west lake cruise. After that we went to a mansion. After the mansion we took a long ride to the airport. We got free time again! My friends and I went to eat ajisen ramen for dinner. It was super cheap. As our flight was delayed, we got free coupons. We bought ice cream and gave it out to people we saw at the airport. Yay!
  In conclusion of this whole trip, I felt that I had learnt alot, grown alot as a person. I learnt to be mindful of I said. I learnt to appreciate what I have and posses. I learnt to never be greedy. I really felt that through this trip we bonded as a class. Many came out of out comfort zones, talked to people in the class that we hardly talked to.Learn more about them. And I also learnt to be much more responsible as a chairperson. This trip was really fruitful and I really hope that we can go overseas as a class again.

-Charmaine Soh
Day 6
  Today we went to many villages and mini museums. It was like super boring and today is the most boring day of all. I didn't really learn much at all.
  Then we had a talk about huangshan which was boring too to be honest. We then had a class reflection where we reflected on our actions for the past one and a half year with the class.
  In conclusion today was like the worst day. It was the last night where we get to sleep with our friends but are given a curfew and are not allowed to go to each other's room. Other classes seem to be allowed to do so which caused me to be quite disappointed.

-Charmaine Soh
Day 5
  Today we woke up super early to watch the sunrise which the tour guide said that the chances are 50% as it was spring. We managed to see it! After climbing for like another 10 minutes we reached the part to see the sunrise.
  After watching the sunrise, I went back to the hotel room to get more rest before meeting the class downstairs to go down the mountain. Halfway down, the tour guide said that the bus could not take that much people so three students and a teacher had to take a car down. I took the car and the ride was much faster and fun!
 We then went to another village and learnt alot of history there again. One point that I took note of was that if one house there caught fire, the rest would not. Interesting right? The architect must be extremely smart to have thought of this idea. We took many pictures and jumpshots too.
  In conclusion, I quite enjoyed this day as it was enriching and I learnt alot.

-Charmaine Soh
Day 4
  Today we woke up exceptionally early to go to huangshan. We packed a set of clothing before heading to the cable car. The cable car only brought us halfway up the mountain and we had to climb the rest if we wanted to reach the peak of the mountain.
  When we came down of the cable car, the air there was much fresher, the air was cooler. I instantly became happier as it was super cooling there. A cold weather equals a happy me. We climbed for about 20 minutes before reaching our hotel to put down our stuff. That 20 minutes climb was already killing me. I could not imagine myself climbing to the peak later. On the way to the hotels, there were many workers, carrying our rubbish down huangshan. Our tour guide reminded us to give way to them as the things that they were carrying was super heavy and they had to climb up and down the mountain daily just to bring our rubbish down. Our tour guide also reminded us that we should try not to throw rubbish up in huangshan and that whatever we brought up, we should bring it down with us too. I really pity them, doing such labour for probably a small amount of money. I saw one of these workers trying to pick up a bottle a tourist threw on the ground. He was shaking while bending down. I really regretted not helping him that day. I guess the best we can do is to not throw rubbish at huangshan and treasure the food that we are given for dinner as the workers worked hard bringing the ingredients up the mountain. We then met at the hotel lobby before climbing to the peak. The climb up was about one and a half hour long. It was like a never ending road up. Luckily the weather was good and I was totally in the mood the climb. When we reached the peak i felt a sense of accomplishment. The view was just unbelievable. It was magnificent and undescribable.
  On the route down, my legs were shivering. I really wondered how I climbed up so many decks of stairs. But still the view at the peak was totally worth my effort.
  After that we had dinner and slept early as we would be waking up early to watch the sunrise tomorrow.
  In conclusion, today was a fruitful day as I managed to train my stamina and leg muscles even during the holidays! I would also be proud to tell everyone else that I had climbed huangshan! I really hope that we can see the sunrise tomorrow!

-Charmaine Soh
Day 3
 Today we went to Anhui Museum and a theme park. I learnt the most today, after witnessing animal abuse.
  First we went to Anhui museum. I learnt alot about the history of Anhui.
  Then we went to the theme park which we first saw two chicken fighting to their deaths. Many of my classmates could not take the cruelty done to these animals and thus walked away and some even cried. We then witnessed dogs and horse racing. We then went to a circus. Although it was my first time in a circus, I could not enjoy it at all. I could not stand seeing the animals performing getting hit by their trainers just because they did not do what they were supposed to do. Again, many cried and even the teachers and the tour guide was puzzled and heartened by the strong reactions that our class was showing towards the animal abuse. Our teacher had to to bring us all out of the circus. I felt that some of my classmates were extremely insensitive that day, even ones that are close to me. When my teacher insisted that we should leave the circus, some of them gave sarcastic remarks like ''can we stay to watch, it's quite interesting" 
  In conclusion, I learnt alot today and I know that we can never stop animal abuse around the world but we can make it lesser. As long as no one goes to watch the circus show, the performers would not need to perform and hurt the animals.

-Charmaine Soh
Day 2
  Today we went to a school in Anhui, Hefei 45 Middle School. I was extremely disappointed even before stepping into the school as i still had not received any email from my China buddy. All my classmates had already received theirs but me. When I met my buddy, she kept telling me that my chinese was much better than what she expected. My buddy was an extremely jovial person and we never felt awkward with each other at all. Their classroom was much smaller than ours but there were much more people studying in a class. Their tables and chairs were much smaller than ours and I realised that none of their fans were on.  It was still quite cooling as the air from outside the classroom was cool. The students there warmly welcomed us to their classrooms. first lesson was physics and every term was in Chinese making it hard for me to understand. In between two lessons there will be a 10 minutes break. I did not really like this system as the students would be released very late in the evening. During one of the break, i walked passed their toilet and there was this terrible stench of rotting animals. I guess there was no cleaners to clean the toilet and the toilet has be left uncleaned for quite a long time. The toilet had no doors and there was just this long hole for you to pee in.
  After a few lessons, we went for lunch while the students also went home for lunch. We went back to the school to meet our buddies again after lunch and continued lessons. Lessons were quite boring. After the last lesson, which was history, we went to our buddies house. My buddy house was small but has everything you needed. Her mother was very hospitable and offered me alot of food.
  After that we went to a shopping mall to shop and then back to the school to gather to go back to the hotel.
  In conclusion, today was quite a fun day and i learnt to appreciate the toilets we have back in Singapore.

-Charmaine Soh
Day 1
  Today we took the high speed rail. It was my first time taking the fast speed rail in China and I really enjoyed the ride. The scenery of China was great and the view from the fast speed rail was unblocked and beautiful. I wondered why was this called the fast speed rail when to me, the speed is almost the same as other normal trains. I noticed the types of trees planted in China is different from Singapore. I came to a conclusion that this was because of the weather difference. 
  After the train ride, we went for lunch and there were at least 10 different types of food served. The food was totally not up to my expectations and I did not have the appetite to eat at all. Maybe it was also caused by jetlag. i am sure that many of my classmates felt the same way as I did and thus, the amount of food left uneaten was alot. I felt that it was a waste of food but I knew i could not do anything about it. I just promised myself to eat more for the next meal.
  After lunch we went to San he Gu Zhen. During the journey there, I thought alot. Everyone was honking each other on the road, not willing to give in. I wondered why do they have to do that and felt that this was extremely different from Singapore. It was like a small village with quite a few museums and a small number of people living there. The people there lead a simple but peaceful life with nothing luxurious but all that they needed. We walked around for at least 3 hours going in and out of various museums. The tour guide was speaking in chinese thus, it was quite hard for me to understand what was she saying. No matter what, I still learnt alot of histories of China from that place.
  In conclusion, today was quite an eye opener for me. It was my first time in China, experiencing their toilets which are terribly described on social medias(which was not as bad as I thought it would be), experiencing the food here, experiencing the way the people here drive and much more. I have not much expectations for tomorrow but I hope that it will be better as we are going to the school in China. 

-Charmaine Soh

Sunday 8 June 2014

Jordan's reflection on OELP

Today we took a 3hr ride on the High-speed rail from Shanghai to hefei.From the station,we travelled to Sanhe guzhen.Many things had an affect of my perception of the world and it's society.Just after alighting from the train,an old grandma patted me on my lower back and extended both her hands towards me,with palms faced upwards.She was begging for money!
Even though,I waved my hand telling her that I am not willing,she continued pestering me and I was really scared as I did not know what to do to get her to stop.In the end,I got her off my back when she saw that I was with a group of adults.From this incident,I understand that people prey on those who seem to be more helpless and defenseless against them.I also understand from this incident that not everybody can have the luxury we have in terms of food,water,and other necessities.
During our lunch,I was afraid to even touch the food on the table because of my past experience 
With friends from china and the rumours I heard about the strong taste they have.But actually,it was not that bad after all. The food may taste different but once I got kind of accustomed to the taste and I grew to like some of the dishes like the chicken for example.Being adventurous can help us discover new hobbies,interests or favourite food.Being overly precautious,will prevent us from experiencing these things.
When we went to Sanhe guzhen,I was very adamant about touring the place and the trip really did prove my gut feeling was rite.
Today we went to 45 anhui sch. My buddy is a lively guy but shy,totally like me.Stepping in to the classroom was a total shock to me their tables and chairs had parts chipped off  and the chair was very uncomfortable.Sitting on that seat made me appreciate the tables and chairs we had at school.Before coming to the school I had always believed that relieving oneself is a private matter and our reproductive organs shld be hidden from the view of others.However,the toilets in the school had no cubicles and the urinals had no partition between them to hide our sexual organs.At first,I tried to hide mine by standing closer to the urinal and using the bottom of my shirt to cover the showing parts.When two guys saw this they laughed.Initially,I was ashamed and shifted my body closer to the urinal,but after reflecting on the incident for a few seconds,I thought,well it they find no shame in exposing themselves in this way why should I?After coming to that conclusion,I stood back and finished my business.
After visiting this school I have also come to appreciate the facilities we have in our sch.
Looking at the sch compound,I I was appalled.The basketball courts had concrete floor and all the baskets had no net.There were 4 courts and a miniature fitness corner at the side in between the only 2 sch buildings in the compound.

5 things I love about RV 
Condensed class size and few classes
In china there r 61 students in a class and there r 12 classes for each level
Big sch compound
More space for amenities
Good and advanced facilities
The tables and chairs r more comfortable and more conducive than the ones in China
Toilets wif partitions and cubicles
Privacy is not given at all in the sch in China
Lesser homework
In china the homework can only be finished at 11pm,and sch starts at 7:20 (not enuf slp)


Colour grey
Ancient artifacts so all very old like old fols wif grey hair


Norm reflection
First we visited the museum.We saw miniature versions of ancient cities and artifacts
And even learnt the process of Xuan zhi making.The first thing that came to my attention was that a person's name could tell us of accomplishments he or his family attained.With names such as John,Luke and Nigel these days,nothing on their status in society can be inferred.
The second thing that was intriguing was the fact that betrothal was a way to get more power and wealth.These days,we marry solely for love in a mordern society like Singapore.Even if parents do match make they do it for their child's happiness or for the greedy ones,the dowry.The king of wu betrothed his daughter to the king of cai to attain power thru their father-in-law and son-in-law relationship.This is something eye-opening as it is a creative yet brilliant tactic.
After the visit to the museum we went to Baogongci park.We learnt that Baogong wasn't actually the tall,tan and fierce dude you would see in Chinese dramas.He was actually only abt 156/7 cm on height which was quite short even by ancient standards.He was very fair too and had a gentle,introvert side of him.Another lesson I took away from this part of the trip is the amount of respect they gave him.They even built a masouleum for him and touring around his burial site I understand how important justice is to the people.I am inspired from visiting this site to help those in the world that are abused and ignored,whose voices seem to never be heard because I can empathize with their helplessness now.
On the fifth and sixth day of the trip it was mainly spending time exploring huangshan and traveling to and fro.Only in the late afternoon did we visit 3 places.Trekking Huangshan did not seem as easy as I thought it would be.I was fortunate to have my classmates to accompany me otherwise I could have given up very early.I have gained a much more confidence after accomplishing the challenge of climbing to the peak.Now I can proudly said I have conquered a mountain not a hill.Traversing this area opened my eyes to hard blue collar labour.There were many men in their fifties and sixties,even seventies carrying big,heavy packages of things up and down the mountain.The tour guide told us the average weight of the packages each man carried was about a 100kg
!They all looked very defined in terms of muscles too!I was very envious of their definition and muscle mass but then I took a different perspective,these people seemed very tired and strained,if it was me I would hate to do this kind of work for such a meager sum of money.Looking at these people I start to appreciate what the late Mr Lee has done for us.
The sixth day of our trip was not a very good day for me because I was quite sick.As a result I couldn't follow the group on some occasions.Luckily my teachers wanted to go for another round of photography in one of the attractions that day.I learnt on that day that my classmates do not hate me as much as I thought they did because they supported me when my stomach was acting up so that I could see the place .
During the seminar I learnt about some of the signature dishes of anhui and the outstanding people they recognize and pride themselves with.The thing that impressed upon was that they had a tradition of putting utmost importance on education.This was present since hundreds of years ago.This is a trait which makes it more outstanding than many other provinces.
From this trip I have come to have a better understanding of China and anhui in terms of their education system,economy and culture.

Saturday 10 May 2014

How economic growth affects the society

Whether the economic growth affects the society positively or negatively depends on the governing and inequalities itself. In some countries, economic growth would reduce poverty. However, in some other countries, there are a lot of inequalities and hence poverty would not be reduced much. To me, I feel that an economic rise would benefit the society in one way or another, such as a higher exchange rate of 1SGD to RM ($_$). Economic growth also improves and modernises the country, and the society can benefit from this. Also, economic rises means that there is a rise in productivity in industrials. With more productivity, the income of workers may increase since the company earns more. Also, there will be a higher employment rate. Therefore, I think that economic growth affects and benefits the society.

-Bei Xuan (8)

How to start a movement

After watching Derek Siver explaining how to start a movement,it got to me that to start a movement, there has to be a leader and followers. Who can be the leader? Anyone. As long as you take the initiative, you can be the leader. I feel that to be a successful leader, one has to take the initiative, and motivate the rest, and this is how followers come by. Being followers, I think they should follow after the leader but of course as what was mentioned in the video, the leader has to be fair and equal. Afterall, who likes an unfair person? In my opinion, followers are not only followers. They are leaders too. For example, the first follower in the video is crucial, for he has to follow the leader, and also be a leader himself, to get other people to join him. Once the second follower appeared in the video, he has shown that followers are also a leader, as he gets his friends to join him, and the video focuses on him, instead of the first leader. That is why, I feel that followers also have the role of a leader. To me, to start a movement, is to be a leader yourself and lead the others.

-Bei Xuan (8)

Sunday 27 April 2014

How economics growth affects the society

Economics growth can affects people both positively and negatively. As a country's economics gets better and better, many things change in the people life as technology are improved and the people will have to adapt to the changes so they can catch up with the modern ways of life.
Economics growth will cause a distinct difference between the rich and poor. This is because economics growth provide more job opportunity to the people. However, more people will also not be able to get a job, causing a big difference between the employed and unemployed. 
As the number of unemployed gets more, poverty will starts to appear in the society as there is an inequality in terms of social status and income.

So far, it may seem that economic growth has a huge negative impact. However, you may think that doesn't economic growth benefits the country? Of course, having more unemployed is just one down side of economic growth. There are many positive impact of economic growth. 
Many people will take up course to improve on their skill that are used in their jobs as they doesn't want to be disqualified. This will make the people to improve themselves, and the country's economy will become better.

All in all, economic growth can affect different people differently, both negatively and positively. 

-yida :)

Sunday 13 April 2014

In-trends in Youth

Taobao is a well-known online shopping website. You can get things there at a very cheap price and it's easier to search for designs there and hence is very popular and in-trend with the youths in China. Youku is a replacement of Youtube as China has blocked the usage of Youtube in China. 非常勿扰 is considered the number 1 entertainment show in China where single males come to the show and promote themselves to the girls to get a girlfriend.
EXO and Girls' Generation (SNSD) are two of the popular KPOP groups among youths in Singapore. Any teen would know who are they! Meme is another in-trend in the youths where they use picture of other people to show their emotions in a humorous manner, adding in the captions themselves. The meme is very closely linked to SGAG an online social page where Singaporeans post funny photos that they capture. STOMP is an online web where you might get 'STOMPED' for doing something bad or good. These platforms are popular among Youths in Singapore and provides teens with entertainment.

Sunday 23 March 2014

Forbidden city

The Forbidden city was the Chinese imperial palace from the Ming dynasty to the end of the Qing 

dynasty. It is located in the center of Beijing, China, and now houses the Palace museum. For almost 500 years, it served as the home of emperors and their households, as well as the ceremonial and political center of Chinese government.

Built in 1406 to 1420, the complex consists of 980 buildings and covers 720,000 m2.The palace complex exemplifies traditional Chinese palatial structure,and has influenced cultural and architectural developments in East Asia and elsewhere. 

I think that the forbidden city is one place that is mystic and of prestige to the people.Now  that it is open to the public I would really want to visit this place as it is the most private of palaces in Chinese history


Beijing National Stadium

Image taken from

Affectionately known as Bird's Nest, it is situated in Olympic Green Village, Chaoyang District. It was designed as the main stadium of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. The Olympic events of track and field, football, gavelock, weight throw and discus were held there. Since October, 2008, after the Olympics ended, it has been opened as a tourist attraction. Now, it's the center of international or domestic sports competition and recreation activities

To me, it means the comfort of returning home. The sense of belonging to the place I grew up in. The form of the stadium looks like a big nest which embraces and nurses human beings. Also it looks rather like a cradle bearing human beings'  hope of the future.

In my opinion, it means the national pride of being a citizen of china to the Chinese. The symbol that they embrace their nationality. Furthermore, it was built for the 2008 Beijing Olympics, which is recognizability of their homeland's strength. It is also a memory of china having the honor of hosting the Olympics. In addition, the circular shape of the stadium represents heaven, but has been described as a bird's nest, with its pattern inspired by Chinese-style crazed pottery. A series of cantilevered trusses has been designed to support the roof, shading the seats.

-Ong Gee Hun (14) 2E

The Great Wall of china

To me, the Great Wall of china is a form of security to them. It's a protection to keep invaders from china in the past. But to china, the Great Wall is a symbol of determination. It shows that Chinese are able to achieve anything as long as they are committed. It is not only merely a wall to them, but as a strength of their people personified. The Great Wall of china also tell us that they do not trust stranger, and thus they built it to keep them away from their country. They only believe in their own people, and not foreigners. 
From this, we can learn that nothing is impossible, as long as we are determined, we can succeed and achieve our goal; the Chinese did not have any machine to help them in building the wall, but they didn't give up, and they slowly build up the wall using their bare hands.
-yida :)

Terracotta Army

This is the famous Bing Ma Yong, the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, Qin Shi Huang. It was built based in the orders of the Emperor, who still wanted to be the Emperor even after his death. These soldiers are to protect Emperor Qin in his afterlife. I feel that this means that in China, they believe that the Emperor is very majestic and mighty, and has to be protected at all times, even after death. The Emperor is so important and must be protected, that he actually has over 8000 soldiers protecting him after death!

-Bei Xuan (8)

Sunday 9 March 2014

Thoughts on one-party rule

Implement change with much less resistance/opposition
There would be only internal struggles for power,no external strife in the country,so more peace
People would be selected based more on meritocracy rather than charisma,so better people would be heading the nation.
Party would be able to get things done to benefit the country without having to appease the people at the same time.
If party is corrupt the country would never come out of the pit as it's leaders cannot be overthrown.
People may not be receiving proper treatment in China according to the human rights act as the government does not need the support of the common people
If the party decides to pass their positions to their children it would become like a monarchy and nobody can stop them.

I think it would not have been able to progress as they were very backwards in many aspects,without the one party system changes would not be as swift and quick to be implemented and today it would be a third world country. This is so because of its political instability at that period and people were hungry for power.The majority are uneducated people who would just support the person that appeals to them more and would not consider how he could contribute to the country not just to themselves.

I think it will still benefit china

It is similar to Singapore's system 

Singapore has everything to learn from China but not the other way

Reflection on One Party Rule

- There would be no objection to all the policies
- Proposals would be able to pass through quickly, with efficiency
- The country would be able to progress with beneficial policies adopted in the long term

- Without objection, poor policies be resistant to change, would not be improved and not be adopted in the short term
- With absolute power, poor policies would have a negative impact on a lot more people

Ong Gee  Hun (14) 2 E

Thoughts on one party ruling system

China has a one party ruling system, meaning that only one government party exist. I'm going to start with the pros and cons of this system

1) Government can make tough decision if it is a one party nation such as rise in good and reducing Tax contribution. One party rule means more control and less time to make a decision in this rapidly changing world. This will then lead to the second pros-
2) more focus on developing country. Since there's only one party and no competition, the party don't have to waste time fighting over power with the other party, which mean that they will have more time in developing the country.
3) common goal in the government. This allow them to work together without competition, and have more
Success in working towards their goal.

1) less alternative view. There is no other party to step up and give alternate views, and thus, the government will only go with their decision.
2) wrong decision. If they only party made the wrong decision for the country, that is it. Mistake will be covered up and made unknown to public.
3) Feeling of being suppressed by single party Gov. Action toward opposition make citizen fearful of repercussion of speaking against Gov freely. This restrict the freedom of their people as they have totally no say to the decision to their country. 
4) corruption. As there's no other party, the only existing party will be in their comfort zone, and lead to a lack in growth of the country. Furthermore, corruption will happen as there is no threat to negative consequent. 

All in all, since there is more cons than pros, I felt that this one party ruling system is not as good, and singapore should not use it. Corruption, lack of idea and restrict of freedom will occur in this system and these will affect the growth of one country negatively. Having several parties will provide competition, which drives the government to become better and serve the country better. 

-yida :)

One Party Ruling

Last Monday Mr Wong told us more about China (because we're going there for OELP YAY.) and I found out that China has a one party ruler system. We were told to find out more on the pros and cons of this system so here's my answer!! :D


1. More control and consumes less time to make a decision.


1. Mistakes made by the Government can be covered up and make unknown to public. 

2. Single party Government listens to  lesser to alternative views.

3. If 2 political parties are present, more intellectual conflict and exchange could take place. A strong and positive development may result from such action.

4. No objections to the decisions made hence there is no improvement.

-Bei Xuan (8)

Saturday 15 February 2014

Chinese New Year

I feel that green represents Chinese New Year to me. To me, green stands for stress, as my family is always busy decorating and cleaning our house for the new year until our face turns green :( It's stressful as I don't get any time to relax and I always get scolded for my messy room ><
The horse is one of the twelve zodiac signs of Chinese. This year, the horse is the representative for the year and hence this animal can be seen anywhere.
The pineapple tarts is my favourite food for the new year! The sweet fillings and it's aroma in my mouth is just simply fabulous. This year, my aunt is going to make pineapple tarts for us so I'm looking forward to the new year :D
-Bei Xuan

Thursday 13 February 2014

What I've learnt

Through these weeks, I have learnt a lot of things. However, the one thing that I remember the clearest was the lesson on the man and woman asking for money. We were told to observe this man and woman. The man was homeless and his wallet was gone, his money, his clothes etc. The woman had a baby and was asking for money from people. Then, Mr Wong asked us to choose one of them, who we would give money to if we had $100. Without hesitation, I decided to give the woman as I thought that the man could look for work as he seemed healthy. However, for the woman, she had to look after the child and could not work. To my surprise, the woman was actually a conman! The baby wasn't hers and she came from and organisation that asked tourists for momey and divided the money among the members. From this simple observe-and-choose lesson, I learnt that we should not judge a book by its cover. We ought to get the facts right before jumping to conclusions.
-Bei Xuan

Sunday 9 February 2014


Need a hand? Grab a hand!
Hate someone? Grab a hand!
Lazy to reach something? Grab a hand!
Promoting the BBCQ product, a third hand for you. Just three simple steps. Hold it, press it, get it!
Now sold at $69.99 in any Happy Folkss store! Grab a third hand now!

Chingay 2014

Saturday 8 February 2014

Personal Reflections For Lessons 1-3

I have learnt to always view things with a different perspective. Let my imaginations and creativity run wild, thinking out of the box. Don't just judge and assume just by looking at the surface of something. During lesson, Mr Wong showed us two scenarios- A woman carrying a baby, begging for money, and a homeless healthy man asking people on the streets for help to get him back on his feet. Mr Wong then asked the whole class- If we were each given $100 and can only give one of them the money, who would we give. Without thinking twice, i knew that i would give the woman with a baby. After collating all our answers, Mr Wong told us the truth of both scenarios- the woman carrying the baby was part of an association. The baby wasn't hers. The baby was just to make everyone pity her and give some money to her. She would then pass the money to the association. As for the man, he was really in need of help. He can't find a job. So maybe by giving him the$100, he can buy some new clothes for a job interview and start a new life. From this I learnt to never judge a book by its cover. Always find out the truth before jumping into conclusions. -Charmaine Soh(4)

Friday 7 February 2014

Color, Symbol and Image

The color i have selected is blue. For Chinese New Year, everyone one in my family are stressed out out over the preparation for it, like what to eat, what to do on the say itself and what relatives are we visiting.

The symbol is of a horse. Reason being that this is the symbol I am seeing most often, be it from the new year decorations or from the well wishes from relatives and friends.

The image I have chosen is that of drinks. Every Chinese New Year, what leaves me with the deepest impression has always been the food and drinks. From the traditional new year goodies to the meals filled with love made by my families, they are always hard to forget.

-Ong Gee Hun (14)

Personal Reflection for Lessons 1-3

I have learnt the importance of observation, to gather thoughts and meaning from what seen. Particularly how one needs to look beyond just what is on the meer surface. For me, I still require practice using the 'thought, think, wonder' thinking routine when reflecting and analyzing things, not, be it the meaning to myself or to others. Also, I have realized how communication is just as critical as observation. What use is understanding when we can't communicate our ideas, emotions and experiences when needed to do so? We need to capture the audiences' attention, to be able to organize what said in order for it to be effective. In order to make a persuasive and effective point.
- Ong Gee Hun

Thursday 30 January 2014

What I've learnt this past few lessons

In the first lesson Mr Wong briefed us on what was going to happen in the CID program this year.
He talked abt the OELP and what were the expectations of us.He also talked to us abt interesting signs in other countries,e.g.the v-sign is offensive in America.In the second lesson,he showed us a picture of a vulture closing in on a scrawny,malnutritioned girl.What struck us was that the photographer actually waited for the vulture to come near the girl and did not get her out of the way so he could capture this perfect shot.He eventually felt so guilty that he eventually killed himself.

Chinese New Year

Green as it signifies harvest and wealth.

This is what I chose to represent CNY this year as this is the year of the horse and red is auspicious to us Chinese.

This is the amount of red packets I receive each year of course all of them contain a 2-dollar note eachis is what I chose to represent CNY this year as this is the year of the horse and red is auspicious


Sunday 26 January 2014

Chinese new year

 I choose red to represent Chinese New Year. Red is a auspicious colour to Chinese because of nian monster story. The monster was chased away by things that are red, which made Chinese people believe that red is a lucky colour. On the day that "nian" was chased away, we celebrated the day as Chinese New Year. This I decided to use red to represent Chinese New Year. 

I felt that this is a good symbol to show cny because 2014 is the year of horse in the lunar calendar.

As for this picture, it shows the usual things that I receive from adults. It's a blessing given from adults to wish a happy new year ahead. I always look forward to cny as it not only gives us the chance to meet up with relative, but also I get ang pao from them.

What I've learnt

For the past 3 CID lesson, I've learnt a lot of meaningful things and taught me a lot of things. 
In the first lesson, mr wong shared with us about the interesting sign of other countries. Example: pointing 2 finger in a "v" shape is an offensive sign in America. 
 The second lesson was one of my favourite lesson because it was the most interesting one. Mr Wong showed us a famous picture of a starving Africa child being eyed by a vulture. Yes, this picture is just a normal scene of a vulture waiting for the child to die and feed on him. However, the real story behind this picture that made it so famous is the fact that the photographer decided to stood there and wait for the best chance to take the picture instead of helping the poor child. This showed us that we are living in a dog-eat-dog world where people are selfish and only think for themselves, just like how this photographer did not help the child just because he was scared of bacteria infection and also he wanted to get the best angle for the shot. I learnt that we must read beyond the picture as things are not always as simple as it seemed.
During the third lesson, we talked about the school spirit of rv. Pictures was shown to show the spirit in rv, how are the lifes of pupil in rv. We are also taught how to take a good photo and make our blog more interesting.

Sunday 19 January 2014

Poverty In Singapore

We decided to use this picture because this a very symbolic image of the lack of filial piety in our nation.This is what happens when parents are abandoned by their adult children and left alone to fend for themselves.Many of the poor are people coming from this scenario of life.Looking at this picture leads me to wonder what would the majority of our poor look like;grey-haired and pathetically weak citizens?


School Life in RVHS

I took this photo to represent school life. In my opinion, the school track is an area where we will come into connect with almost everyday and has left me to with a deep impression. Be it walking across it to access the gate after school or attempting to complete our 2.4 run/walk, this is definitely an area I will never forget.

This photo represents our school spirit, as pupils of all levels gather together just to celebrate our school's 58th anniversary. This also shows our love for our school :D

This photo shows the fear in these Year 1s, as they look for their names in the CCA shortlisted list, afraid that they are not able to get into the CCA they want. 
Happiness can be found simply by talking to your friends. Hence this photo serves to show the happiness shown on the smiles of these pupils, as they talk to their friends (: